Inasmuch Assembles 11,000 Meals for the Hungry
In October the Inasmuch ministry assembled more than 11,000 meals to feed hungry people in Haiti with the help of people who gathered in Fayetteville, NC, and Knoxville, TN, to consider their support for the ministry for 2013. That’s right; these annual fundraising events became major service events!

Executive Director, David Crocker (left), and Robert Marks, Sr. (right) Board President, enjoy watching the meals being packed.
Fundraising is the lifeblood of non-profits. It is all about obtaining the support necessary to keep the organization going. So, when a non-profit turns its annual fundraising events into service projects whereby thousands of hungry people are supplied with nutritious meals, it’s noteworthy.
“Our fundraising events each year are the largest gatherings of people who support the Inasmuch ministry,” said David Crocker, Executive Director. “This year we wanted these events to be more than simply sharing the latest and greatest news about the ministry and asking people to support us so we can keep on doing the good work of Inasmuch. So we invited Kids Against Hunger to come direct food packing projects in Fayetteville and Knoxville to feed hungry people in Haiti.”
Participants remarked how refreshing it was to do something to help others while renewing or beginning their support for a ministry that is based on the idea of believers serving “the least of these.” While some were treated to a delicious meal, others packed food for Haiti. After about half an hour, the groups rotated so that everyone had a chance to help out. 5,040 meals were packed in Fayetteville and 6,024 meals in Knoxville.
“We had a about a 60 percent increase in attendance at our fundraising events this year and I am convinced it was because we offered folk a chance actually to do something to serve others,” said Crocker. “Everyone had a blast. It was fun and productive and will make a huge difference in the lives other lots of people. We didn’t just feed ourselves; we fed many more who will never have what we ate at those events.”
He added: “We are already talking about what we will do next year. We may go for 20,000 meals! Wouldn’t that be something?! Of course, I’m hoping people will see that Inasmuch is about serving people in need . . . anytime, anywhere, any way, even when the ministry has needs ourselves.”
“We are very excited about the future of Inasmuch,” he says. “With continued and some new support, there is no telling what God will do with this ministry!”
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