Another Church Joins the Compassion Revolution

The Baptist Church of Beaufort, SC, conducted its first Inasmuch Day on conducted on May 5, 2012.  The Beaufort Tribune published the following article about the event on April 30, 2012:

Operation Inasmuch arrives in Beaufort!

Janet Carr Hull

Over one hundred community volunteers from the Baptist Church of Beaufort will roll up their sleeves and descend on Beaufort on Saturday, May 5 in Beaufort’s very own Operation Inasmuch event.

Baptist Church of Beaufort’s Dr. Jim Wooten calls the event a day to “deliberately turn our attention outward and to put our energies into ministries that touch the lives of people in need. We call it Operation Inasmuch, and we hope it will become at least an annual emphasis.”

The model for this missions challenge is driven by Operation Inasmuch, Inc., a national non-profit organization that helps churches break down barriers between the culture and the church. The large scale effort encourages churches to minister to those in need in their communities through hands-on, practical efforts such as construction projects, landscaping, painting, block parties and prayer walking. Over 1600 churches in 21 states have joined the revolution and have taken the challenge to go into their communities and spread the love with no strings attached.

The code words for this event come from the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:40, “Inasmuch as you did it unto one of these, the least of my brethren, you did it unto me.”

Dr. Wooten more clearly defines the framework of the call to enthusiastic service, saying of the endeavor, “These words of Jesus stand as a sobering reminder of the need to put our faith buy generic zithromax us into action and to do so in ways that meet the needs of the powerless, the dispossessed, the overlooked.”

Look for smiling, happy, hardworking people in bright blue shirts all over town on Saturday, doing everything from giving out water at the park to building wheelchair ramps.

The volunteers will be participating in these events:

• Building Wheel Chair Ramps – The BCOB veteran team will take on two projects.
• Parkview Children’s Art Ministry Project – Helping the kids at Parkview create a picture collage to decorate the new community center.
• Parkview Women’s Project – Helping organize a “Dress for Success” Clothing Project.
• Habitat – The projected task for BCOB’s on-going “church build project” is subflooring, exterior framing and interior walls.
• “Thank you” Cookie Basket Project for Emergency Personnel – Home-baked cookies taken to police officers, firefighters and EMT workers who keep us safe.
• Cup of Cold Water Park Ministry – Face painting and giving out bottles of cold water in Pigeon Point Park from 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon.
• Cleaning Project for Hope Haven – Helping provide a clean and inviting environment for the children served by this Children’s Advocacy Center.
• HELP of Beaufort – Teaming to help sort and organize clothes and canned goods.
• Parking Lot Fundraiser for Children’s Missions Camps – Teaming to monitor parking lots during Taste of Beaufort.

Janet Carr Hull is the author of two poetry books published by Coastal Villages Press, and has been published in numerous literary journals nationwide. She is a native Beaufortonian.

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