Serving Comes with a Price

If you are a believer, Jesus calls each of us to live our daily lives as missionaries with love and service to others. We talk about that as compassion, which Ephesians 4:32, 1 Peter 3:8, and dozens of other verses speak directly to us believers about that very topic. So, if we are commanded, reminded, […]
Church Growth Through Inasmuch

Meet Billy, one of the newest members of First Baptist Church, Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Billy didn’t grow up in Gatlinburg like most other church members. He had no previous ties to that or any other church in the small mountain town. He came there only recently when his brother, who builds log cabins for a local […]
975 Wheelchair Ramps and Counting

If there is a Guinness World Record for the number of wheelchair ramps constructed by one team, it would belong to the Snyder Memorial Carpentry Ministry Wheelchair Ramp Team (SMCMWRT). For the last 15+ years this team has built a wheelchair ramp every week. When you do the math, it turns out to be at […]
Compassion for the New Year

2021 is now in our review mirror and 2022 has begun. It is this time of year that we, maybe because we feel forced to somehow or guilted into, begin to think about all the changes, or RESOLUTIONS, that we want to make in our lives. Lose weight and exercise more are probably the top […]
Coming to Compassion this Christmas Season

As 2021 comes to a close, we are reminded to look back and reflect on the year. Sure, there was STILL a virus hovering over everything that happened this year, but I would like to think this year was a success. God moved in mighty ways this year and we are here to celebrate those […]
Compassion and Service Know No Age

Do you remember how old you were when you first served someone else? That’s not a memory that most of us can recall on command. Maybe, when you were much younger, your parents served regularly in compassion ministry and they brought you along. We have heard of many stories from around the country of children, […]
Compassionary of the Year

I want to introduce you to a new word. It was definitely a new word for me in 2021 and that word is “Compassionary.” The founder of Operation Inasmuch, Dr. David Crocker, has written a book that is being printed as I type called “Compassionaries: Unleashing the Power of Serving.” We are excited for him […]
It’s Alive

Have you ever been involved or engaged in something that was cancelled? Maybe it was a favorite television show or maybe it was an event that you looked forward to yearly. When you first hear that the event is not taking place or the show will no longer air… man, it is a letdown. BUT, […]
Get in the Game

As the football season kicks off, I can not help but think in terms of sports. Teams are practicing and gearing up for upcoming months of grueling competition where their body takes a beating and the joys and sorrows of wins and losses change from week to week. Fans are excited and then disappointed, only to […]
Leaving a Legacy

Many things are passed down from generation to generation. Our families have the greatest impact on our development. We inherit mannerisms, view points on life, favorite sports teams, and many other traits and preferences from our parents. Sometimes, the things that are learned, mimicked, or passed down are not always positive. My family lineage is […]